I have also used YouTube (another social media platform) heavily throughout this process in both research and planning and for the showcasing of our final product. YouTube is the most common and popular platform to show and present music videos due to the wide audiences YouTube reaches in a modern technology based world. I have used YouTube substantially to analyse and view music videos from professional artists in order to gain inspiration for my own video. This use of YouTube has enabled me to develop and further my knowledge of music videos and the common conventions of music videos. YouTube and the music videos on this platform have been a massive source of inspiration helping me to construct my music video as professionally as possible. Furthermore, I have also used YouTube as the platform for my own music video following the benefits of mass audiences and easy access for my audiences that professional artists gain from YouTube. As we used iMovie to edit our final music video we uploaded the music video straight from iMovie to YouTube, because these technologies are already linked and work together well this provided easy access for Ceri and I to upload our music video. We titled our music video “Take Me To Church-Final Music Video” as this clearly displays our song name and that this video is our final finished product. YouTube has been used and helped me greatly throughout this process in being the key place I gained inspiration from for my music video and the platform I have used for my own video.I have used my computer more heavily for YouTube; this is simply because I can view the videos on a larger screen which helps me to understand and pick up information better.